Bodenschneid – Summit with a view close to Tegernsee

From Rottach-Egern the road leads a couple of miles into the valley direction Sutten skiing area. Next to the toll booth in Enterrottach is a parking lot from where you can start a tour to a summit with a great panoramic view right next to the Wallberg. Along your way you will pass the impressive falls of the Rottach and from the top of the mountain you will enjoy a fantastic view of the Tegernsee lake and the surrounding mountains. This tour is pretty easy to walk and you can do it even when you are afraid of heights. There aren’t any strechtes where you have to scramble over rocks. That means that you will encouter a few more people here.
  • difference in elevation: 2750 feet m in the ascent and descent
  • length: 7.5 miles
  • walking time: approx. 5 hours
Beim Wanderparkplatz Enter-Rottach

Another beautiful summer day

It’s again one of these great beautiful days and the weather forecast hasn’t any thunderstorms in store. So I leave Munich early in the morning and drive to Tegernsee. Since I am really early and it is a weekday I reach my destination without any traffic jam. In the center of Rottach-Egern I have to take a turn and drive in the direction of the Sutten skiing area. Right next to the toll booth there is a large parking lot where I am looking for a place in the shade.

At the moment there aren’t that many people around but it is still quite early int he morning. So I can start my tour now. At the far end of the parking lot I turn into the woods and follow the signs direction Sutten. The trail is easy to walk and since it’s not rising that much a good warm up exercise. It’s always a great benefit to leave the city for a day.

The Rottach falls

A few minutes later I reach a bifurcation and a sign telling me that it’s only ten minutes to the falls. Allthough they are not right on my track I decide to go and see them. After the rain of the last couple of days, I assume that they carry quite some water and could be an interesting sight. So I follow this little detour. The route first brings me back to the toll road that I have to cross.

And sure enough I am greeted by a loud roaring. A staircase that is made of wooden steps leads me into a small gorge. To my left the first fall rustles down to the valley floor. Just a few minutes later I see the cascades of the big fall. What a beautiful place. So peaceful. I can imagine that these falls are a popular stop for sightseeing and guess that later in the day there will be more people around.

On the way to the top

Back on the street I am looking for other signs to the summit. Apparently there are two possibilities to continue. The first one leading along the toll road. Ther is not much traffic but I don’t like walking over paved roads. So I decide to take the second option leading along a track deeper into the forest where it is nicely fresh.

The path leads comfortably uphill. to the left and the right there are quite some things to see. Like that big mossy root of a fallen tree. It is always fascinating to see that things that are dying in the woods always form the base for new life. From time to time I pass flowers still in bloom. They are hard-fought by butterflies and other insects. Every once in a while the forest is opening up and grants views of the mountains on the opposite side of the valley.

Slowly I am moving further up the mountain. The woods are pretty dense and offer lots of shade. Most of the time the path runs in serpentines along the slopes and I hardly realize how much height I am gaining. But there are also a few stretches where I have to climb a bit steeper straight forward uphill. Well, I have accomplished more difficult tasks.

Slowly the forest becomes less dense. Actually they said that I could expect a blue sky today but when I get a glimpse of it, I can see that it is rather cloudy at the moment. Too bad. With a blue sky this panorama must be spectacular. At an opening I come across this belladonna. That something with such a nice sounding name can be so poisonous!

The quaint Bodenalm

When a few minutes later I am getting out of the woods and look at the Bodenalp the sky is again typical Bavarian – blue and white. A few cabins are sitting here at the bottom of the summit that is slowly rising behind them more like a rolling hill. That’s a perfect spot for a rest. I am a bit surprised that I don’t see any cattle around. I will see them later. They have decided to climb the peak as well today.


It’s really beautiful here and again so peaceful. The cabins are well kept so I guess they are still in use. I now have a perfect view of the Wallberg which is the landmark mountain of the Tegernsee lake. From there you will have the best view of the lake. But I should get a good view from here as well. Latest when I am standing on the top.

Actually I can see it even from here when I am moving a bit further uphill towards the forest that covers the peak. I love the area surrounding the lake very much. If only it wouldn’t be so crowded all the time. It’s called the valley of the millionaires and attracts lots of visitors. Nevertheless I am happy to see that despite all those rich people they are making a good job in keeping the traditions alife.

The last few feet to the top

After a rest that did last a bit longer I continue with the last stretch to the summit. The path is not that easy to find. The signs aren’t obvious. Since there is only one trail leading to the top I follow it. The path leads along the woods and that’s where the cows are grazing. They are looking for a place in the shade, too. These cows are used to humans and so they let me pass without any trouble.

I don’t see that many flowers anymore but these thistles are quite beautiful. Looks like the mushroom season has begun. I don’t know many mushrooms but I do recognize this poisonous fly agaric. Why do poisonous plants always look so beautiful? The track to the top drags on longer than anticipated from the Bodenalp.

Slowly I am getting closer to the top. In my back the Wallberg is rising above the woods. Right above me I can see the summit cross in the now blue sky. I love the fact that the clouds have gone. But the view is rather hazy and so the peaks in the south are hiding in the mist. But the view over the Tegernsee lake is really fantastic.

And finally it’s done. I am standing on top of the Summit of the Bodenschneid. The view is awesome. To one side I can see the lake, just behind it sits the Wallberg summit and if I look further to the south I do see the peaks of the region. To the east I get a glimpse of the Spitzingsee lake and the Bodenschneid alp. There are others that want to admire this view, too, here. Allthough I haven’t seen many people on my way up it’s getting tight up here.

Behind the Bodenschneidalm I can see the Brecherspitze. I have climbed this peak last year. I can even make out the Freudenreich chapel. In the end I do find a space where I can sit down for a while and admire the view. Despite the crowd up here it is a great feeling to be on top of the mountain and look into the valley as always.

To the Bodenschneidhaus

But again as always I have to get back to the valley floor. For me an important part of every hike is the visit of a cabin. So I descend on the eastern side of the peak to the Bodenschneid cabin. It’s not that far. On this side of the mountain the summit is cragged and rocky while on the other side it looks more like a rolling hill. The path is a bit steeper and runs through open terrain.

Since it is sunnier on this side there are a few more flowers growing here. Again I find this fascinating Pannonica gentian in bloom. I like the color of these flowers. But the blue gentian stays the original for me. In long serpentines the path is running towards the valley. So this stretch is not that strenous either and the cabin is coming closer rather fast.

Apparently there is also yellow gentian growing here. But it has faded already. It seems that I can’t make it to see it in bloom. And then I am coming across this larkspur. In the good old days it has been used as a healing plant. But these days it is not used that often anymore since you can overdose its material pretty fast and then it gets poisonous. Just as with all those natural remedies.

And then I already stand in front of the Bodenschneidhaus. The cabin sits in a quaint setting in a hollow. From here you have a great view of the Brecheespitze on the oppsite site of the valley and the Mangfall mountains. A nice place for a rest. Usually you can even sleep here but due to the pandemic situation it’s not possible at the moment. To avoid that you have to enter the cabin you place your food and drink order right at the kitchen window. Cool idea.

The food is very tasty and allthough there are quite a few people taking a rest, there is enough space for social distancng. I could sit here forever. The cows that are grazing here are very curious and are looking jealously at my plate. „Hey, you’ve got fresh green gras in abundance here, so why do you want my food?“ Unfortunately I have to leave this place at one point. I still have a while to walk before returning to my car.

The descent – a leisurely stroll

From here the route is leading along gravel roads. A few minutes down from the Bodenschneidalm follows the next cabin. At the Raineralm you can’t sit down for a drink but there is a sign that they sell their homemade cheese. I shortly reflect if I should by some but decide no to since I don’t want to carry the cheese through the summer heat. Just a few steps behind this cabin the trail leads back into a dense forest and falls a bit steeper downwards.

I am a bit confused since only Schliersee is mentionend on the signs. But I don’t want to go there today. A look on my map tells me that there has to be a turn to the Kühzaglalm and from there to Enterrottach. So I continue through the shades of the forest. And in fact just before I reach the road that I have taken from the Brecherspitze and Freudenreich Alp there is another road turning left. This is a forest road too and so the rest of my tour is more like an easy stroll.

Just above the Kühzaglalm the trail comes out of the forest and I am looking on this alpine mountain farm with the Wallberg as a backdrop. On this farm they have a few pigs in an open space. They lead a happy life here. At least until the butcher is coming. But rather here then in one of those narrow stables. From the woods to my left a small creek is running downhill. It’s idyllic here. Just a few minutes later I reach a paved road in Erlach across from a small chapel. This road will bring me back to Enterrottach and my car. I am quite surprised to see a hollyhock growing here in the middle of the woods. So far I have seen them only in gardens.

From this road I have again a last view of the Bodnschneid summit, the Wallberg and behind me the Tegernsee Valley. A perfect finish for another great day in the mountains. Towards the end the weather got picture prefect, too. Not too hot. I would have loved to have another drink in Enterrottach before driving home but the only restarant in town had closed for a midday break and would have opened only half an hour later. Weird opening hours in a hiking area. So I return to my car right away and drive back to Munich.

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